Sunday, August 7, 2011

Purchasing a Lanyard!!!

If you would like to purchase a lanyard My e-mail address is: and tell me what your address is for me to send them to you, or you can learn how to make a lanyard at :  It's lot's of fun So why not try it?!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Support the Fight for Breast Cancer

"First time you look at the ribbon all you think is wow that is neat.  I would like one of those". You can get one. Just post a comment and write what color you'd like and your email.  I will write to you if you are interested.  I will write back to you as soon as possible!!!    :]

Lanyard Designs

These are just some of the lucky lanyards we have made.  We can make any of these designs in any colors.  Just send an email with your choice!